The Society and Forward in Faith have issued a statement on Prayers of Love and Faith.
It can be found at the link below:
Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Fathers B Benison, R Best, M Fenwick & P Strange. Also from Mr B McNally, Mrs J McNally,
Mrs A Rosslyn, Mrs Y Roberts & Mrs K Shepherd.
Present (for all or part of the proceedings) were
Bishop Peter Ramsden, Fathers B Turnbull, J Chamberlin, A Hughes, R Pringle, & M Vine. Mr A Bowles, Mrs R Hall,
Dr J Prorok, Mrs N Prorok, Mrs A Turnbull, Mrs C Walton, Mr D Walton
Minutes of the last AGM held on Saturday 25 February 2023 at St George’s, Cullercoats.
The Chairman asked the Meeting’s permission that the Minutes of the last AGM be taken as read: this
being granted they were duly signed.
Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
Bishop’s Rep’s Report
Fr Adrian Hughes thanked everyone for coming to the meeting. He thanked the Committee members for all their
work and for producing the Programme for 2024. He said that we were still here after another year and were continuing
faithfully. As he will be standing down as Bishop Stephen’s Representative on 30 June on his retirement, he will be
speaking with Bishop Stephen about what happens next. He also reminded us that we have no Lay Chairman since
Sheffield Exham left the area last year. The Parishes which will be in vacancy are St Benedict’s, St Peter & St Luke, St John
the Baptist & St George’s. St John the Baptist has been told that theirs will be a half-time post possibly shared with
another church in the city. St George’s will also be a half-time post. We need to continue to contribute to the life of the
Diocese. Our future depends to a large degree on what value the Bishop of Newcastle places on the diversity of the
church in the Diocese. We need to make sure that we are not just seen as a group “who don’t do women priests”, but
focus more of our energy to growing our constituent churches." It appears that youngsters are looking at traditional
churches like ours because of the theology, worship and liturgy. Since the numbers attending our events tends to be
quite small the Standing Committee would need to consider changing the calendar of events in next year’s programme.
Fr Richard gave a vote of thanks to Fr Adrian for all the work he has done in the past for the Society of Saint Wilfrid
& Saint Hilda and as Bishop of Beverley’s Representative.
Lay Vice-Chairman’s Report
There was no Vice Chairman’s Report as Sheffield Exham moved away last August
Lay Secretary’s Report
The Society Standing Committee has met on seven occasions since the last AGM in February 2023 and I would just like to
thank Fr Adrian Hughes for his warm hospitality when we have had meetings at St George’s.
It was a shame more members could not have attended the AGM on Saturday 26 February 2023 at St George’s, Cullercoats
when The Bishop of Beverley, the Rt Revd Stephen Race SSC, was the Speaker.
The Quiet Day at Alnmouth Friary on Wednesday 10 May 2023 was attended by twelve members. Bishop Peter Ramsden led
the day.
The Forward in Faith National Assembly held on Saturday 20 May 2023 at the Parish Church of St Alban the Martyr, Holborn
was well attended and two of our members represented us there.
The Pilgrimage to Embleton Parish Church on Wednesday 14 June 2023 followed by a visit to Dunstanburgh Castle Hotel
for lunch was a delightful day out and the weather was kind to us.
The Feast of the Translation of the Relics of St Cuthbert at Durham Cathedral on Saturday 2 September 2023 was
well supported.
The BCP Evensong on Wednesday 20 September 2023 at 2.00pm was held at St Andrew’s, Corbridge followed by
afternoon tea at the Errington Coffee House. This was attended by twelve members.
The Society Clergy Chapter lunch was arranged by Fr Peter Strange and was held at Cote de Brasserie
on Thursday 18 January 2024.
The Pilgrimage to Holy Cross, Chatton on Wednesday 8 May 2024 was followed by lunch at the
Percy Arms Hotel, Chatton. Ten members attended the Mass and eight attended the lunch.
The Forward in Faith National Assembly held on Saturday 11 May 2024 at the Parish Church of St Alban the Martyr, Holborn was well attended.
The Standing Committee has put together a programme for this year.
There are now seventeen Clergy “members” and sixty-three Lay “members” of the Society in the
Newcastle Diocese. Fr John Swinhoe and his wife have moved to Thornaby, Fr E Kormos and his wife
have left the Church of England, Sheffield Exham who was our Lay Chairman for a number of years
has moved away, Catriona Kelly has moved away and Betty Brown, Val Gobin, Neil Heppell,
Ursula Piotrowska and Margaret White have died.
I would like to thank the Committee Members for all their support and encouragement throughout the year. Also thanks to Fr Adrian Hughes for his support and encouragement throughout the year.
Treasurer’s Report and adoption of Accounts for the year ended 31.12.23
Derek presented the Accounts, which were approved. He said that the Account looked healthy and there
was a total of £757.98 in the Account. Derek had sent a copy of the Accounts to Forward in Faith Head Office.
The Meeting then divided into Houses for the election of the Chairman, the Chapter Clerk, the Lay Chairman,
the Lay Secretary, and members of the Standing Committee from each House. The following were duly elected:
Chairman - Fr M Vine, Chapter Clerk – Fr J Chamberlin, Lay-Chairman – No-one, Lay Secretary – Mrs C Walton,
Committee – Fr P Strange, Mr A Bowles, Dr J Prorok & Mrs Y Roberts.
The Houses came together again for the Election of Treasurer
Mr D Walton was duly elected Treasurer.
Any Other Business
Fr Adrian reminded us of the See of Beverley’s Festival in York Minster at 11.00am on Saturday 27 July 2024 and urged us not only to attend but invite others to join us in this Northern Provence “get together”.
Fr Richard once again proposed a vote of thanks to Fr Adrian for all the work he has done in the past for the Society of
Saint Wilfrid & Saint Hilda and as Bishop of Beverley’s Representative.
Date of the next Annual General Meeting
The date of the next Annual General Meeting will be arranged at the next Standing Committee Meeting.
The date of the next Standing Committee Meeting is Wednesday 10 July 2024 at 2.00pm in St George’s Church Hall,